Hear this call
Gear up like a pro with the Beau Brooks Essentials Pack, featuring:
Beau Brooks Signature T-Shirt – Comfortable, stylish, and built for everyday wear.
Beau Brooks Hybrid Hat – A premium cap designed for hunters and outdoorsmen.
Beau Brooks Signature Series Pro-Pack – When it comes to turkey calling, Beau Brooks wants to achieve a wide variety of sounds to ensure he has a full grab bag of turkey vocalizations at his disposal. This next-level call pack includes:
- Beau Brooks Signature Series Batwing – A true do-it-all call.
- The Mockingbird – Beau’s favorite for a pure front-end yelp.
- The Cutter – Built for cutting and yelping with extreme raspy backend.

When it comes to mouth calls, their life span is known to be short, but they can have the ability to last with proper care. The key is how you take care of them. There are multiple ways to care for your mouth call. We recommend the following tactics to help prolong the life of your calls.
Storage Tips:
Keep them out of the Sun. Store in refrigerator, especially in the off-season. Avoid areas with high exposure to heat such as glove box or center console. Utilize multiple calls to disperse stress
Sun and UV Ray Protection:
UV rays might be one of the harshest elements when it comes to a mouth calls lifespan. Exposing your mouth call to UV can vaporize the latex and cause it to break down 10x faster than normal wear and tear. We recommend you DO NOT store your mouth calls in areas such as: On the dash of the truck. On a table or windowsill. Any areas with high exposure to heat
"Picking" your mouth call:
Picking your mouth calls is an excellent strategy to ensure your turkey hunting calls are consistently ready for each morning. The practice of 'picking' a mouth call involves inserting a plastic toothpick between the reeds after each use, effectively maintaining the separation of the reeds and preserving the call's effectiveness. Do not force it. Forcing the reeds, such as pushing them together without separating them, or attempting to do so when the call's reeds are dry and stuck together, can damage the latex. After you have picked the calls, allow them to dry out before putting them away in their case. Turkey mouth calls do not perform well when waterlogged or trapped in a moist environment.